I was thinking should I have this design on my ankle???
I always feel it's cool to have a tattoo on the ankle but just can't find the suitable design that I really like.
Hmmmmm... ... ... ...
I don't think my parents will like the idea of me having tattoo. Most prob, they will freak out if they find out. ;)
Should I go for custom temporary tattoo instead which Sesame feature in her Vivawoman?
I am not afraid of pain cuz I have gone for eyebrow embroiderynot long ago. Recently, I just went for the touch up session which was not that pain although I can feel zillions of ants biting my eyebrow. ;)
So, should I or should I not???
Hurhurhur...I actually thought about you when I was writing that post. Unfortunately I cannot comment anything that is helpful to you now.
Walked pass a tattoo shop at Heeren during lunch, really have tat strong urge to go in & tattoo my ankle but didn't in the end. kekekekeke. ;)
Hmm... I hv one question..
If u do a permanent tatoo now, nxt time when u bore of the design liao... then how ah?
wah..eh.. u need company anot... iwe go together la!!! hahah...
anyways i think eyebrow embroidery not pain lah... when i hear the tattoo machine's "zzzzzz" sound, my knees weak leh.. haha...
wtpgrr: Tat's why I hvn't gone for tattoo cuz can't find the design I really like lor but most prob I will try airbrush tattoo 1st. Hiak! Hiak! ;)
Shaney: You sure you want to go for this or not? But I thinking of trying airbrush 1st leh. =P
oh.. dun like the airbrush.. duno will fade off fast anot.. u know lah, my workplace very cho lo one...cant even get a perfect fingernail polish after a day's work. well.. i just dream on first.. hahaha
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