Oh! Recently, I had been borrowing & watching so many Korean dramas from my colleagues that I can't believe myself doing this beacause I used to hate it. ;) After watching so many Kdramas, I realized not all of them are draggy & sobby. Some of the stories plot are not bad though. ;)
This time round, the Kdrama, I watched is Oh! Feel Young (오! 필승 봉순영) which is a 2004 drama. Oh Pil Seung (Ahn Jae-wook ) is a free-spirited, but somewhat lazy regular joe who suddenly finds himself heir apparent to a top-level logistics company. With rivals and detractors simply waiting for him to foul up, he was looked down on by the so-called intellectuals who have a calculating mind and are keen to securing their interest. Pil Seung doesn’t show remarkable achievements. However, he is perseverant and good at riding over challenges. Can't really say this is my favourite but this drama is quite funny though. =)
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