Thursday, July 13, 2006

$82 for 1 album?

Spellcasted by ♣Ashes♣ at 11:48 PM
Would you spend $82 on 2 CDs?
This is the amount I spent while hanging around HMV during lunch.
Am I crazy?

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Was really thrilled when I saw t
his CD which I had been searching high & low for the past few weeks but got a real SHOCK when I saw the price. Although it's rather steep for an album, I decided to bring it home coz that’s the only piece left which was imported from Japan.

I will definitely regret it if I decide to buy it later and most prob by that time, there will be no more stock left coz that's the one & only piece left.
Come to think about it, if I divide $82 with the 18 songs in this album, each song cost about $4.56.
Not that ex, rite?
Anyway, I love all the songs in this album so is worth spending $82 on it. ;)


sesame on July 14, 2006 9:41 AM said...

As long as you feel it's worth it, then it is. Japan imports are about that price lah...

♣Ashes♣ on July 15, 2006 10:36 AM said...

Yup! Definitely worth every cents. heehee. ;)


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