The best is I got to wake up at 6.30am later to get ready for work...
It's all because of my sensitive nose again...
ArghHhh... .... ....
Had been sneezing non-stop after dinner.
Took a tablet & went to sleep around 10pm but was woken up at this hour & just simply can't get back to sleep.
So, what do I do beside blogging on my sickening nose?
I am watching Rain's clips on youtube.com & this somehow made me feel better... keke...
Nowadays, I don't watch anymore programmes shown on TV.
What I do every night is log on to youtube to watch clips on Rain & the vcds I bought.

Anyway, I decided to start another page on this blog all on Rain but have to wait till I really have the 'F' time. =)
Oh shit, is going to be 2am soon...
I better try to force myself to get some sleep.
If not, I will look like a walking pandan reporting to work later.
So, good night or should I say good morning... Heehee... ;)
Wow, then you'll sleep at work? ;)
No wor, had a busy & happening day at work tat kept me busy all the way. ;)
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